Home > Video Tutorials > Right Hand > Chords
Learn how to play smooth slow chords and powerful fast chords with excellent sound quality.

Slow chords:

Equal bow pressure bottom strings.

Release 50% of the bow pressure during the string change.

Fast chords:

Hit the top two strings with fast bow speed.

Tilt your wrist to catch the D-string in the beginning of the chord.


Release 50% of your bow pressure during the string change.

The character of the chord is derived from the length of the bottom notes.


Play the top two strings with very fast bow speed.

Tilt your wrist to catch the bottom string.


Beginning of Bach's Ciaconna.

Rhythm: The beat occurs on the top of the chord.

The two bottom notes must be played before the beat.

Remember to release the bow pressure during every string crossing.


Master Classes
Hold the bottom two notes long to establish the calm character of the piece.

The note which continues the melody remains alone at the end of the chord.


Hit the top two strings with fast bow speed.

Tilt your wrist to catch the D-string in the beginning of the chord.

Tilt your wrist up for the up bow.


Violin, Yang Liu.

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